Events, Writers

Teacher Spotlight: Zulema Renee Summerfield

Zulema Renee Summerfield is the author of the novel Every Other Weekend. Her short fiction has appeared in numerous publications, including Guernica and The Threepenny Review. Her first book, Everything Faces All Ways At Once, is available from Fourteen Hills Press. A MacDowell Colony fellow, she currently lives in Portland.

Zulema will be teaching Elements of Story this winter. Here is more about the class! 

Q: Describe what happens in a typical class:
A: Each class is a blend of writing, craft discussion, and workshop. We center our discussions and work around a different craft element each week, and the prompts and selected readings stem from there. Workshops and feedback are grounded in our sense of curiosity and exploration–rather than trying to “fix” one another’s stories, we come together to help one another excavate and expand and explore.

Q:What do you like most about teaching this class?
A: I love working with students to look closely and carefully and curiously at this thing we do called “fiction.”

Q: Who do you recommend this class to?
A: This class is great for fiction writers who are seeking community, structure, and encouragement. Some writers come with stories already written that are ready for feedback and review; others come because they haven’t written in a while and are eager to jump back in.

Q:What do you hope students will get out of it?
A: I hope students gain a stronger sense of self through their own practice and art. If nothing else, we work hard and have a good time!

Q: Describe your writing process/practice:
A: I try to write or create every day if I am able to.

You can find more of Zumela’s work by visiting 

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