Open Positions
Join the Literary Arts team. Find a list of open positions and internship opportunities.
There are no full-time positions open at this time.
There are no part-time positions open at this time.
If you have applied to a previously posted position, the hiring process is likely ongoing. All applicants will be notified by email of the status of the application.
Writing Class Instructors: Literary Arts is happy to hear from experienced teachers interested in offering multi-week or one-day writing classes for adults at our downtown literary center. Visit this page for more information about teaching for us.
Readers Seminar Guides: Literary Arts welcomes seminar proposals to facilitate in our Readers Seminars program. We seek experienced group facilitators/teachers eager to lead discussion-based seminars on compelling literary texts and topics. Visit this page for more information on applying to be a seminar guide.
Writers in the Schools (WITS) Writers: WITS hires published professional writers to teach creative writing to high school students in Multnomah and Salem-Keizer counties. This is a part-time contractor position. WITS provides an orientation prior to placement, and provides ongoing professional development. As part of our commitment to build a roster of teaching artists that reflects the rich diversity of the schools, we serve we seek applicants from all of our diverse communities. Applications to teach for WITS are due July 26, 2024 for school year 2024-2025. Click here for more information about the position and application process.
Writers in the Schools Apprentice: WITS is offering paid apprenticeship opportunities for writers of color. Self-identified writers of color who do not currently have the experience necessary to be a lead teacher with Writers in the Schools and would like to gain that experience, please consider applying to our apprentice program. Please submit your application materials by July 26, 2024. Click here for more information about the position and application process.
There are no internships open at this time.
If you have applied to a previously posted internship, the hiring process is likely ongoing. All applicants will be notified by email of the status of the application.
Volunteer at Literary Arts
Volunteer and help us fulfill our mission to serve thousands of readers and writers of all ages across Oregon.