Literary Arts has a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to: race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, age, body size, disability, appearance, religion, citizenship, pregnancy, marital or familial status, military or veteran status. Harassment includes but is not limited to: stalking, verbal or physical intimidation, offensive verbal comments, physical assault and/or battery, harassing or non-consensual photography or recording, bathroom policing, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome physical attention.
Literary Arts recognizes that reading and writing, by their nature, include exposure to controversial and challenging ideas. Therefore, harassment does not include respectful disagreement or critique in good faith.
This policy extends to employees, vendors, independent contractors, event attendees, presenters and speakers, and seminar workshop or class participants. This policy covers all events at Literary Arts as well as events sponsored by or produced by Literary Arts in third-party venues.
Literary Arts reserves the right to revoke, without refund, tickets of any event attendee or participant not in compliance with this policy; the right to remove from an event, seminar, workshop or class any attendee or participant not in compliance with this policy; and the right to cancel a contract with a vendor or contractor that is not in compliance with this policy.
Any employee, vendor, independent contractor or event attendee who believes they have witnessed or been subjected to prohibited harassment or discrimination should report it immediately to a Literary Arts staff member, the Executive Director of Literary Arts and/or member of the Literary Arts Board.