Welcome to Tuesday’s edition of Writing Prompts for Stay-at-Home Writers. Today’s prompt is from writer Ramiza Koya.
Ramiza Koya is the author of The Royal Abduls and her fiction and nonfiction has appeared in publications such as Columbia Review, Lumina, Washington Square Review, and Mutha Magazine. She is currently reading The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel. Ramiza shared this prompt:
“You wake up and on the pillow next to yours rest three objects: a piece of driftwood, a crow’s feather, and an orange and white spiraled shell. How did they get there and what will you do with them?”
Tune in this Friday for a prompt from Emily Chenoweth. Let us know how you’re doing, and how your writing is going. Email Susan Moore, Director of Programs for Writers, at susan@literary-arts.org.