Fall 2017: Poetic Personal Essays

October 12–November 2, 2017 (4 sessions) Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. –9:00 p.m. Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington Instructor: Claudia Savage for writers at all levels Limited to 12


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October 12–November 2, 2017 (4 sessions)
Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. –9:00 p.m.
Class meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington
Instructor: Claudia Savage
for writers at all levels
Limited to 12 students
Class syllabus



In this four-week class we’ll craft a personal essay using poet-essayists such as Ocean Vuong, Maggie Nelson, and Dan Beachy-Quick as inspiration in terms of form and method. This class will help you break out of the narrative ruts afflicting many new essayists and allow your writing to flow from a deeper, truer place where everyone’s inner poet dwells.

Claudia F. Savage is half of the improvising sound-poetry performance duo Thick in the Throat, Honey and the author of Bruising Continents (Spuyten Duyvil). Her poems and interviews have been published in BOMB, Water-Stone Review, Denver Quarterly, Columbia, and elsewhere.

SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: Scholarships pay for the entire class tuition. All of our writing classes have at least one scholarship position available, made possible by a generous gift from Dennis Steinman. To apply, email Susan Moore, Director of Programs for Writers, at susan@literary-arts.org with your name, contact information, and list three classes in order of preference. Please note that preference is not guaranteed. All scholarships are subject to availability.

CLASS LIAISONS: All classes have one liaison position. Liaisons receive free tuition in exchange for light duties before and after each class meeting. Contact Susan Moore at susan@literary-arts.org for more information.