Short Forms: April

Tuesdays, April 14–May 5, 2020 7:00–9:00 p.m. (4 class meetings) Instructor: Jay Ponteri For writers at all levels This class will examine short prose forms—the prose poem, the short-short story,


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Tuesdays, April 14–May 5, 2020
7:00–9:00 p.m. (4 class meetings)
Instructor: Jay Ponteri
For writers at all levels

This class will examine short prose forms—the prose poem, the short-short story, and the lyrical essay, among others. We will take a close look within each of the forms to glean some of their distinct qualities while considering how these forms blur into one another. Furthermore, we will touch on their literary antecedents, thus placing them in a tradition. We will consider how prose writers can better employ the poet’s tools: sound, image, metaphor, syntax & diction, voice, meditation, and narrative. Participants will write several prose pieces.

Jay Ponteri is the author of the memoir Wedlocked (Hawthorne Books), winner of the Oregon Book Award in Creative Nonfiction. His work has appeared in Del Sol Review, Seattle Review, Cimarron Review, Puerto Del Sol, and elsewhere.