Short Story Generator
Are you wanting to get started on a short story but just can’t get past the blank page? Have you written before but are feeling stuck? Do you have so many ideas that you can’t keep them all straight? This generative course will help you locate ideas, structure plot, create dramatic tension, build character, and generally figure out a direction to write toward.
We still read, write together to prompts, share our writing, and receive feedback. Students can work on one or two stories in greater depth, or come away with a handful of starts to many different stories. For beginner and intermediate writers looking to get their work off the ground in a supportive, creative community.
Access Program
We want our writing classes and seminars to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income and background. We understand that our tuition structure can present obstacles for some people. Our Access Program offers writing class and seminar tuitions at a reduced rate. Most Delves have at least one access spot available.
Please apply here for access rate tuition. Contact Susan Moore at susan@literary-arts.org if you have questions.
Liaison position
Every in-person class and seminar at Literary Arts has one liaison position. Liaisons perform specific duties for each class meeting. If you are a liaison for a class or seminar, the full amount of your tuition is covered by Literary Arts.
Apply here for the liaison position.