Fall 2019: Short Story Master Class

Mondays, September 16 – November 18, 2019 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (10 class meetings) Meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington Instructor: Jeremy Townley For experienced writers of short fiction


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Mondays, September 16 – November 18, 2019
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (10 class meetings)
Meets at Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington
Instructor: Jeremy Townley
For experienced writers of short fiction (see prerequisites)

Draft two short stories in ten weeks. This intensive workshop combines study of narrative craft and model short stories with generative writing to help cultivate ideas for plot and character and workshop feedback to assist in developing story arc, structure, and sensory details. By the end of ten weeks, you will have completed drafts of two short stories, created a plan for revision, and developed a consistent writing practice.


• Short Story Intensive, Short Story Crash Course or Launching Stories at Literary Arts or instructor permission.
• For instructor permission, please email a 3-4 page writing sample and a brief description of your writing class experience to Susan Moore at susan@literary-arts.org