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  2. Bios
  3. Alissa Sallah

Alissa Sallah

Alissa Sallah is a cartoonist (and cosplayer) from small-town Ohio. She edits and contributes to the Bonfire Yearly Anthology (Stratos, Topia, Silk & Metal), has been featured in the Bitch Planet Triple Feature, the Yakuza 6 Song of Life artbook, and was the colorist on the Image comic series Sleepless. Her new book is Weeaboo.

Order Weeaboo: annie bloom’s | broadway | powell’s

Events, Classes, and Seminars

Our events, classes, and seminars bring the community together to hear, learn, and discuss the most compelling issues and ideas of our day. We hope you will join us in our community space and bookstore at 716 SE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR, online, and at partnering venues across Portland and Oregon.