Curiosity in Ones and Zeros: 2020-2021 WITSAnthology

Each year, Writers in the Schools publishes an exemplary student anthology. Curiosity in Ones and Zeros features 69 students who participated in the Writers in the Schools program in the 2020-2021 school year.


Curiosity in Ones and Zeros: 2020-2021 WITS Anthology

Each year, our Writers in the Schools (WITS) program publishes an anthology of exemplary student work. CURIOSITY IN ONES AND ZEROES showcases work written by 69 high school students from Gresham, Parkrose, Portland Public, and Woodburn school districts. 

Being published is thrilling for writers of any age. Publication provides writers with validation, encouragement, and exposure to a larger audience. All proceeds from the sale of the anthologies goes back to support WITS programming.

This order includes a flat cost for shipping and handling ($10 book + $2 shipping) within the United States. Orders typically ship within 2 weeks of payment. We will pause shipping from December 20, 2021-January 3, 2022 due to holiday office closures and will resume shipping upon our return.

Questions? Email Interim Youth Programs Director and anthology editor Olivia Jones-Hall at

Each year, our Writers in the Schools (WITS) program publishes an anthology of exemplary student work. Curiosity in Ones and Zeros showcases works written by 69 high school students from Gresham, Parkrose, Portland Public, and Woodburn school districts. 

Being published is thrilling for writers of any age. Publication provides writers with validation, encouragement, and exposure to a larger audience. All proceeds from the sale of the anthologies goes back to support WITS programming.

This order includes a flat cost for shipping and handling ($10 book + $2 shipping) within the United States. Orders typically ship within 2 weeks of payment. We will pause shipping from December 20, 2021-January 3, 2022 due to holiday office closures and will resume shipping upon our return. Questions? Email Interim Youth Programs Director and anthology editor Olivia Jones-Hall at