Youth Programs

Writing Results: Open a Book

Below are the 2 submissions that we received this week for the writing prompt. Check back Monday for our next writing prompt.

Untitled by Mary R.
The grandmother didn’t want to go to Florida. She didn’t want to go to New Jersey, either. Nothing but California would do. She sang about oranges. She watched the Oscars. She read Lawrence Ferlinghetti in the bathtub, bellowing when the book hit the bubbles. When she slept she dreamed she was flying a small plane along Highway One, looking first at the Pacific, next at brown hills. She didn’t know where to look. The plane crashed into a billboard and burst into flames. Instead of the HOLLYWOOD sign there was HEAVEN.

Donuts by Colin M.
It was about 10 at night when I saw her walk out the door. At 9 in the morning she returned with a pink box. In contained a dozen donuts. When I pointed out to her that there were more than a dozen donuts inside, she told me that fourteen was the new twelve according to bakers. As I was reaching for the donut with frosting that matched the box, she stopped me.
“Don’t,” she said. “You don’t know what flavor that is. It could be cherry or strawberry.” The pink donut was always a mystery. Nobody ever knew what flavor it was intended to be.

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