by Mel Wells
The Whitsell auditorium at the Portland Art Museum echoed with claps and cheers after each Lincoln High School student read their piece last Wednesday evening. These students are in classes taught by Katie Grone, Cindy Irby, Jennifer Newton, and Tracey Wyatt this semester, and they worked with WITS writers-in-residence Cindy Williams Gutierrez, Ramiza Koya, and Matt Zrebski. Several students read intimate pieces about recently coming to the United States, with all the accompanying joys, surprises, and longings for home. There was also plenty of humor, as one student met a future version of himself, and others wrote a dialogue between two characters who struggle with one-upping each other. Thanks so much to all the students who participated, and to their family and friends who came and cheered for them. It was another fantastic reading at the Museum for Lincoln students!