Youth Programs

WITS Summit 2014

by Mel Wells

The 2014 WITS Summit brought together several organizations from around the state who have literary programming for youth (see list below) for a day of sharing resources, best practices, and learning about all the fantastic work happening throughout Oregon. Deb Vaughn, from the Oregon Arts Commission, gave a great presentation on evaluations, specifically Logic Models, and shared tips about applying for and reporting on grants. Liz Eislinger from Write Around Portland gave a presentation on recruiting, training, and utilizing volunteers. Catherine Theriault from Roosevelt High School gave a presentation on Evaluating Student Learning, specifically through rubrics. And lunch was provided by Pastini Pastaria.

Thanks so much to all everyone who participated, especially those who gave presentations. Click on the links below to see the variety of organizations in Oregon doing excellent work in creative writing with the next generation.

Participants and organizations:

Ann Whitfield Powers, Fishtrap, (northeastern Oregon)

Efrain Diaz-Horna, Silverton Poetry Association (Salem area)

Rebecca Burrell, Right Brain Initiative (Portland metro)

Liz Eislinger, Write Around Portland (Portland metro)

Danae Hutson, Portland Art Museum (downtown Portland)

Daryll Lynne Evans and Sallie Vandagrift, Wordcrafters in Eugene (Eugene)

Taylor Neitzke, Hollywood Theater (northeast Portland)

Jon Larsen, Caldera (Portland and central Oregon)

Marilyn Johnson, Salem Art Association (Salem area)

Deb Vaughn, Oregon Arts Commission (statewide)

Catherine Theriault, Roosevelt High School (north Portland)


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