The deadline to submit your poems to #Virtualandia is March 31st at midnight. Register now to learn more about the submission process and check out the final workshops for #Virtualandia below.
Upcoming #Virtualandia Workshops
Performance that Pops! A Workshop with Jacque Dixon and Jolly Wrapper from 4:00-5:00pm on Monday, March 31st. Google Meet Link for Performance that Pops! Workshop: https://meet.google.com/hyy-twqz-yyu

1:1 Slam Poetry Coaching with Julia Gaskill and Alex Dang on Tuesday, March 30th. Slots from 3:30-5:30. Sign up here. Google Meet Link for 1:1 Coaching: meet.google.com/iqr-jjdo-jyt

YouTube #Virtualandia Resources
- #Virtualandia 2021 Workshop: From the Page to the Stage!: https://youtu.be/DRv8r3U6EYA
- #Virtualandia 2021 Q&A: All About Slam!: https://youtu.be/pb5hpeOpjBo
- Our #Virtulandia 2020 which includes videos on recording your poem and more for prep: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxDzMR4hUZ6AjNKbTpGbBo7iXo88d7qi9
- Our YouTube playlist with examples of slam poems, history of slam, previous Verselandia! participants, and more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxDzMR4hUZ6DlLn-jVKPoeNcBnNvS5xdY