Youth Programs

Postmark Deadlines, Postmarks Music

Today, July 1st, is the postmark deadline for the 3rd Annual Wordstock Fiction Contest. All entries to the contest must be postmarked by July 1st, 2009.

Not only is Barry Lopez the judge, according to the Wordstock site, “he’s waiting for your entry to the contest.” Don’t make Barry wait!

If making that postmark deadline is not going to happen, or if you are reading this on July 2nd, 3rd or 28th, you might instead enjoy music from The Postmarks on their web site. And perhaps some of that music will inspire you, and then you could prepare yourself for:

A more leisurely deadline of September 8th. That’s the deadline for the Doug Fir Fiction Award, sponsored by Bear Deluxe magazine. This competition is judged by Jon Raymond. This is also a postmark deadline.

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