You can cast your vote for the 2013 Readers’ Choice Award online at The winner will be announced at the Oregon Book Awards ceremony on April 8th at the Gerding Theater at the Armory.
2013 Oregon Book Awards Finalist
Fjords vol. 1 by Zachary Schomburg
Black Ocean
Fjords vol. 1 is a collection of prose poems written from dreams obsessed with death in the face of love.
A poem from Fjords vol. 1
“The Woman Who Falls from the Sky”
I am at a fruit stand on the side of the road when a
woman falls from the sky onto a pile of cantaloupe.
She has French braids and is not dead. This is how
everyday starts with us, a kind of waking up into
the day in front of me, and then every night she
falls through a dark hole. I should say this isn’t
exactly true, the part about falling through the sky.
The truth is we woke up like the rest of you, in a
bed with our hot mouths falling open. But it was
glorious, a goddamned miracle, the crashing into
and the never dying.
Praise for Fjords vol. 1
“Zachary Schomburg may be one of the sincerest surrealists around.” –Publishers Weekly
“Schomburg is possibly the man who will save poetry for all of those readers who are about to give up on the genre.” –The Huffington Post
About the AuthorZachary Schomburg is the author of The Man Suit (2007), Scary, No Scary (2009), Fjords vol. 1 (2012), and the forthcoming The Book of Joshua. He co-edits Octopus Books and co-curates the Bad Blood Reading Series. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Suggested Links
Zachary Schomburg’s Website
Full Publishers Weekly Review
The Rumpus Review
Buy the Book
Powell’s Books
Broadway Books