Youth Programs

WITS Intern Will Aime

Hello! My name is Will Aime, and I am one of two current WITS interns at Literary Arts. I was born and raised in foggy Monterey, California, and I am a senior at Lewis and Clark College, studying English and History. This semester I’ve been working on my senior project about medieval alliterative poetry, the stodgiest of senior projects (just kidding (kind of)). Alliteration is, actually, always awesome, and working with why and where and what poems these poets proposed to produce is, for me, a definitely different but definitively fun way to end my studies.

I’ve been with Literary Arts since June, which has been a really exciting opportunity for me. So far, I’ve helped create the WITS Anthology and Online Chapbooks. This has involved reading and editing much of the student work that has been submitted to WITS. I’ve been really impressed with all of the writing that the high school students in WITS have submitted, and maybe a little jealous. As the school year has started up again, I’ve also been doing administrative support tasks in order to help get this year’s WITS program up and running.

Alongside my work with WITS, I’ve had a small part in setting up the digital archive for the Portland Arts and Lecture series by listening to some past lectures. I was especially excited to listen to Salman Rushdie’s lecture, as he’s been a favorite author of mine ever since I read Haroun and the Sea of Stories in high school.

Interning at Literary Arts has been a blast; I’ve loved being involved with this great organization that does so much for creative writing here in Portland. When I graduate in May (fingers crossed), I hope to use the experience I’ve gained here to continue in this field.

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