You can cast your vote for the 2015 Readers’ Choice Award online at! The winner will be announced at the Oregon Book Awards ceremony on April 13 at the Gerding Theater at the Armory.
Between now and April 13, we will be featuring all of the 2015 Oregon Book Awards finalists.
2015 Oregon Book Awards Finalist
September Twelfth by Rich Rubin
About the play:
September Twelfth is a full-length drama about the rippling effects of 9/11 on a surviving NYC fireman and his new wife, the widow of a fellow fire-fighter who died in the North Tower.
About the playwright:
Rich Rubin is a multi-award winning playwright whose work has been produced throughout the US as well as in Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada, and Mexico. September Twelfth had a reading by the American Bard Theatre Company (NYC) in September 2013 as part of a 9/11 memorial event, with a subsequent staged reading by the UP Theatre Company (NYC) in November 2014.
Excerpt from September Twelfth:
“But that morning, I had this funny feelin’ that somethin’ real sick was in the air, and I don’t just mean all the scorch and soot. For the first time on the job, I tasted this sour spit of doubt. I saw Lynn cryin’ at the door, a group of guys from the station doin’ their best to console her, and I suddenly thought what a fuckin’ mess death is, so simple yet so complicated … and I just hope to God those bastards know what the hell they’re doin’.”
Read more about Rich Rubin: