Youth Programs

“Spring Dandelions,” by Ele Haugo

From Hope is a Stem: Writers in the Schools 2022–23 Student Anthology

Spring Dandelions
Ele Haugo

We tower over a dense forest of grass, 
Swaying in the wind above lawns and parks. 
Our smooth stems hold up, 
A beautiful yellow bloom, 
Sparkling against the endless green, 
Like a star in the night sky. 
Those yellow blossoms stand out, 
Misfits against that green carpet, 
Too big for carefully crafted daisy chains. 
Too ugly to be tucked gently, 
Into someone’s hair. 
Subject to weed cutters, lawnmowers, 
And a homeowner’s disapproving eye. 
But our potential is not lost on all, 
Sticky toddler hands and chubby fingers, 
Yank those smooth stems from the grounds, 
Big eyes stare on round faces stare, 
At the gray cloud of seeds, 
Born from the wilted yellow blossom, 
Each seed, a little airplane. 
Armed with a wish they fly, 
Powered by the youngling’s breath, 
No longer tethered to the earth. 
No longer a tall forest tree but now, 
A bird on the breeze. 
And when the birds fly to their nests, 
The seeds slowly spin back down to earth, 
Through that forest of grass,  
And onto the cool ground. 
They will sink into the ground, 
So then the cycle of smooth stems, 
And yellow blossoms, 
And flying seeds, 
May begin again. 

Ele Haugo is a student at Franklin High School
WITS Instructor: Jennifer Perrine

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