Next Wednesday, April 8th, the Loggernaut series celebrates 4 years of readings with an anniversary reading and concert, featuring Carrie Brownstein, David J. Morris, and B.T. Shaw, with music by Lovers. The reading is a benefit for our friends at Write Around Portland. The event takes place at: Mississippi Studios (3939 N. Mississippi). Doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 8. Admission is $10.
Fifty-two pieces is posting one image a week from the Portland Art Museum on their April Poetry Challenge blog. The challenge invites you to “create a poem about the work or the feelings it creates for you.” You can send them the poem in an email or post it as a comment on their blog.
It has come to our attention that Matthew and Michael Dickman are twins. Michael will be reading from his new book, The End of the West, at Barnes & Noble in Vancouver (7700 NE 4th Plain Blvd), on Wednesday, April 8. He’ll be reading with Mary Szybist, author of Granted.