
@Literary Arts recap: October 24 with Late Night Library

Late Night Library held their reading and performance event “In and Out of Town” at Literary Arts last Thursday, October 24. We heard from writer Scott Hutchins, poet Marcus Jackson, and comedian Barbara Holm.

Scott Hutchins, a San Francisco-based short story writer and novelist, read from his debut novel, A Working Theory of Love (Penguin Press). The book tells the story of a 30s-year-old divorcee who explores relationships with a computer that channels the voice of his deceased father. An audio record of the computer’s dialogue accompanied his reading. Scott has won two Hopwood awards and the Andrea Beauchamp prize in short fiction, and currently teaches in the Wallace Stegner creative writing program at Stanford University.

Marcus Jackson read from his debut poetry collection, Neighborhood Register (CavanKerry Press,), and his unpublished manuscript, a compilation of semi-autobiographical poems that capture life’s minute details. His works reveal astute meditations on a range of subjects, from his wife’s brain and teenage violence, to Kool-Aid and his hometown’s drinking culture. Marcus studied at NYU’s graduate creative writing program and currently teaches at Middle Tennessee State University.

Seattle-based standup comedian Barbara Holm closed the evening with witty and energetic observations about the pitfalls of modern dating. Thank you Scott, Marcus, Barbara, and Late Night Library for another spectacular evening at Literary Arts!

This post was written by Literary Arts intern Wailana Kalama. Wailana is a creative nonfiction writer currently pursuing her M.F.A. at Portland State University. Her work has been featured in Matador Network, PSU’s The Rearguard, and Al-Akhawayn News. Her latest list of favorite authors includes Lawrence Durrell, Annie Dillard, Pico Iyer, Paul Fussell, Jan Morris and Barry Lopez.

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