Readers, Writers

On the Road with the Oregon Book Awards Author Tour

The Oregon Book Awards Author Tour brings Oregon Book Awards authors to towns across Oregon for readings, workshops and school visits. On May 7th and 8th, Oregon Book Award winner Josephine Woolington visited Maupin and Fossil. In Maupin, she presented a talk on her book Where We Call Home: Lands, Seas, and Skies of the Pacific Northwest. Her time in Fossil included a classroom visit to Wheeler High School and a talk sponsored by the library.

pictured above: Josephine Woolington at Maupin Library, Wheeler High School, and meeting with Fossil library audience.

On May 9, Oregon Book Award winner Lauren Kessler visited Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton to discuss her book, Free: Two Years, Six Lives, and the Long Journey Home.

pictured above: Lauren Kessler at Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton.

Past Oregon Book Awards Author Tour events

In addition to the above author tour events, Literary Arts visited the following towns in the past year:

June 2023, La Grande: Oregon Book Award winner Allison Cobb visited Eastern Oregon University.

September 2023, Astoria: Oregon Book Award winner Casey Parks presented at an event sponsored by the Astoria Writers Guild.

March 2024, McMinnville: Sindya Bhanoo and Marcelle Heath gave a reading at Linfield College.

April 2024, Cannon Beach: Sindya Bhanoo appeared at a reading as part of the NW Authors Speak Series.

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