Literary Arts News, Readers

The Archive Project podcast gets a new icon

After seven seasons, Literary Arts’ weekly OPB radio show and podcast debuts a redesigned icon.

Since the first season of Portland Arts & Lectures in 1984, Literary Arts has hosted some of the world’s most renowned authors and thinkers, including Joan Didion, Kazuo Ishiguro, Ursula K. Le Guin, Toni Morrison, and many more.

Archived recordings from these events, many on cassette, were donated to Multnomah County Library in 2009. (Read more about how, during the pandemic, Library Director Vailey Oehlke had to dig through old cassettes to find a particular recording).

Oregon’s NPR affiliate station, OPB Radio, occasionally broadcast these lectures as part of their arts programming, and audiences responded to them positively. The Archive Project weekly radio show and podcast was officially launched in October 2014, for the 30th anniversary of Portland Arts & Lectures. The show will be entering into its eighth season this fall.

The new icon was designed by long-time design partners of Literary Arts, AHA, who generously provide valuable design services in-kind to Literary Arts. The idea behind the redesign was to create a simple yet striking design that would stand out in the crowd of other podcast icons, and the content of the show be conveyed visually, for those not familiar with Literary Arts and our programs.

The overlapping speech bubbles are in the Literary Arts brand colors of “Readers Orange” and “Writers Blue,” with the purple block representing the overlapping ideas that emerge from this interplay.

The background image of the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall was removed, as the show has since evolved from just highlighting recordings of Portland Arts & Lectures, featuring other Literary Arts events such as Portland Book Festival and the Oregon Book Awards. In 2020, there was even a brief podcast-only special, Long Distance, hosted by our Director of Public Programs, Amanda Bullock, speaking to authors of recently released books who had to cancel tours due to the pandemic.

As The Archive Project continues to grow and evolve, we are thrilled with our new icon, and hope that even more people will join the thousands of weekly listeners of the show.

The Archive Project airs on OPB Radio every Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific). Find your local station, or listen online if you are outside of the broadcast area. You can also subscribe to the podcast, through Apple, Android, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts

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